Naveena Samskarika Kala Kendram(NSKK)
A socio-cultural organization, was founded in the year 1967 by a small group of enterprising and enthusiastic young Malayalees. The primary aim was to have a common place to share their nostalgia for the paradise they lost by leaving Kerala and to keep in touch with our prestigious culture and language. A reading room and library was established in Fathenagar. After a decade of ups and downs and struggles for survival, NSKK acquired a small piece of land in the year 1976. As part of its service to the society, it started an English medium primary school in the year 1978 with strength of 250 children – most of them hailing from poor and middle class families where now a play school is running.

About Us
Naveena Samskarika Kala Kendram, popularly known as NSKK, is a socio-cultural, voluntary organization, established in the year 1967 by a few enthusiastic Malayalees…

A host of events are planned every year especially this year when NSKK begins its 50 years celebrations…

Pictures from the past take you through the lanes of nostalgia, pictures that speak more than words…

Our Schools
3 campuses catering to educational needs. NSKK KG school, Fathenagar, NSKK High School, Ferozguda, NSKK High School, Gagillapur, NSKK Jr. College, Gagillapur

Art & Culture
Bringing alive the art & culture of Kerala to Malayalees in Hyderabad region is our prime objective…

It all began with a reading room, true to its origin NSKK now maintains a library of more than 3000 books for ardent fans of the language